I offer online tutoring services.
My aim is to provide extra support for your
A Level or IB Psychology studies.
I'm a passionate about Psychology, and after spending 9 years teaching in schools, I wanted to offer tailored help to a wider range of students. Unlike usual tutoring websites, I believe that different students want help in different areas...
Whether you have suffered with losing a teacher at a crucial time in the year and so need to be actually taught key units from your syllabus.
Or maybe you are not getting as much work marked as you would like to enable you to improve on your exam skills.
Or you may just need help with your revision; timetabling, planning and support.
Or you may want traditional tutoring to help you understand key concepts or assessment objectives in A Level psychology.
Or maybe you are homeschooled and need a full-time teacher.
...I can help!

Please use the form below, or send me an email to the address below , if you want to ask any questions or to arrange a session.